We take great care in packaging your orders with responsibly sourced materials
The vast majority of orders are dispatched using DHL next day delivery.
1 hour timed slots are sent via text and or email
Samples and small orders sent via Royal Mail
We use DHL to fulfil most of our orders. The below delivery times are applicable once the order has been processed, printed & packed.
We take as much care as possible, from print to dispatch, to make sure your cards arrive at your door quickly and safely. After all, what's the point in a beautiful set of cards if they don't arrive in perfect condition!
Jo Gardiner
Jo's a self-taught artist who works from her home studio in the beautiful Staffordshire Moorlands. She's always experimenting with different ways to create art.
Many thanks for my card order, which arrived safely today. Very pleased with quality of the cards, the packaging and speed of service."
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